The SM03 series implements a ferrite ring magnet inside a cup with through-hole, which makes fixing simple and immediate, without having to use glue or other adhesives.
The attraction force of these magnetic systems is higher thanks to the steel cup which directs the magnetism towards the free surface of the magnet.

This makes these magnets particularly popular in various industrial sectors, such as furniture, automation, advertising, furnishing elements, thermoplastic molding, industrial equipment, etc.

Contact us to have quick feedback on prices and availability.
You can view and download the technical drawings of each product by clicking on the respective code, highlighted in blue.

All measures are in millimeters (mm).

SM03.3FE000.45104.5 45 10 4,5 7
SM03.3FE000.45105.5 45 10 5,5 7
SM03.3FE000.5512 55 12 4,5 13
SM03.3FE000.7115 71 15 7 25
SM03.3FE000.7210F10 72 10 10  
SM03.3FE000.8018 80 18 8.5 46
SM03.3FE000.8218 82 18 10 46

Technical features

TYPE Br - mT BHc - KA/m Hcj - KA/m BH Max - KJ/m3
Y08T 200 - 235 125 - 160 210 - 280 6.5 - 9.5
Y22H 310 - 360 220 - 250 280 - 320 20.0 - 24.0
Y25 360 - 400 135 - 170 140 - 200 22.5 - 28.0
Y26H 360 - 390 200 - 250 225 - 255 23.0 - 28.0
Y26J 360 - 380 263 - 288 318 - 350 24.0 - 28.0
Y27H 350 - 380 225 - 240 235 - 260 25.0 - 29.0
Y28 370 - 400 175 - 210  180 - 220 26.0 - 30.0
Y28H 380 - 400 240 - 260 250 - 280 27.0 - 30.0
Y28J 360 - 380 271 - 295 282 - 305 26.0 - 30.0
Y30H 380 - 400 230 - 275 235 - 290 27.0 - 32.0
Y30J 395 - 415 275 - 300 310 - 335 27.0 - 32.5
Y32 400 - 420 160 - 190 165 - 195 30.0 - 33.5
Y32H 400 - 420 190 - 230 230 - 250 31.5 - 35.0
Y32J 400 - 440  224 - 240 230 - 250 31.0 - 34.0
Y33 410 - 430 220 - 250 225 - 255 31.5 - 35.0
Y33H 410 - 430 250 - 270 250 - 275 31.5 - 35.0
Y34 420 - 440  200 - 230 205 - 235 32.5 - 36.0
Y35 430 - 450 215 -239 217 - 241 33.1 - 38.2
Y36 430 - 450 247 - 271 250 - 274 35.1 - 38.3
Y38 440 - 460 285 - 305 294 - 310 36.6 - 40.6
Y40 440 - 460 330 - 354 340 - 360 37.5 - 41.8

The force values given in the tables are the result of dynamometric tests performed with a 10 mm thick iron plate.
Any variations from this standard in the use may change the actual performance of the magnet.

It is always recommended to perform specific tests according to your application.

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