MC01 magnets are comprised of a neodymium disc magnets encapsulated in a transparent, waterproof plastic pouch, with a large external surface that is both resistant but flexible, and can be sewn onto many cloths.

This product is supplied as a standard in two polarities, easily distinguishable by the different colors of each pole. In this way, the magnets attract each other on the correct side.
On request, it is possible to receive the entire supply of a single polarity.

Contact us to have quick feedback on prices and availability.
You can view and download the technical drawings of each product by clicking on the respective code, highlighted in blue.

All measures are in millimeters (mm).

MC01.350000.102 SC35MANI 10 2 0,50
MC01.350000.122 SC35MANI 12 2 0,60
MC01.350000.202 SC35MANI 20 2 2
MC01.350000.203 SC35MANI 20 3 4,50

The force values given in the tables are the result of dynamometric tests performed with a 10 mm thick iron plate.
Any variations from this standard in the use may change the actual performance of the magnet.

It is always recommended to perform specific tests according to your application.

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